. Research Chapter 159: Unified Land Development Ordinance (UDO) found in Title XV: Land Usage in the City of Noblesville, Indiana Code of Ordinances for regulations related to parking. You can access the Code of Ordinances (COO) at www.amlegal.com (choose the library tab, select Indiana, and click on the link to Noblesville). Based on your research, answer the following questions. Document the section of the code in which you found each answer.
· How many parking spaces are required for the Keystone Library? Show your calculation. (COO Table 9, Section 159.142 or UDO Table 10.0.3.B)
1 per 300 sq feet.
· What distance must parking lots be set back from the property line? ((UDO Section 4.B.1)
Not in section 159.142 (UDO Section 4.B.1)
· Assuming a 90 degree parking angle, what size parking spaces should be used? (COO Table 10, Section 159.143 or UDO Table 10.0.4.A)
9x18 feet
· What aisle width should be used? (COO Table 10, Section 159.143 or UDO Table 10.0.4.A)
· Describe the requirements on driveway (ingress and egress) location from adjacent property lines and intersections. (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.C.2)
Non-residential driveway entrances or exits should be at least 25 feet
from an adjoining residential property line; ten feet from an adjoining
non-residential property line; or 45 feet from an intersection.
· What is the maximum driveway width that can be used for a non-residential development? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.C.2)
· What is the drainage runoff requirement for parking and driveway areas? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.D.2)
Such parking areas should be graded and properly drained in such a
manner that there will be no free flow of water onto either adjacent
property or public sidewalks. Any runoff generated by such improved
areas shall be disposed of in appropriate drainage facilities.
· Is parking lot lighting required? What is the requirement? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.D.4) Yes,a minimum of one foot-candle of illumination should be provided
throughout the parking lot. Illumination of off-street parking areas should be arranged and/or shielded so as not to reflect direct rays of
light onto adjacent properties or streets
· How many accessible parking spaces are required? (COO Table 11, Section 159.144 or UDO Table 10.0.5) facilities must equal no less than 10% of the total required parking spaces there for the minimum parking spaces required is 5.
· Is a loading area required for the library? (COO Section 159.147 or UDO Section 8.A)
· How many loading berths are required for the site? (COO Table 13, Section 159.147 or UDO Section 8.B)
no, one for every 12,000-120,000 sq feet
· In terms of parking lot landscaping requirements, what class of parking lot is required for the library? (Section 159.184)
Class B.
· Describe the overall interior parking lot landscape requirements.
the percentage of interior parking spaces is determined on how many parking spaces need this reduces the size of the parking lot.
· What are the requirements for single row parking landscape islands and peninsulas?
All single row parking landscape islands and peninsulas should be a minimum of 180 square feet in area with a minimum width of nine feet measured from back of curb to back of curb. Each island and peninsula should contain a minimum of one canopy tree and five evergreen or deciduous shrubs, or ornamental grasses.
· What are the requirements for double row parking landscape islands and peninsulas?
All double row parking landscape islands should be a minimum of 240 square feet in area with a minimum width of nine feet measured from back of curb to back of curb. Each island and peninsula should contain a minimum of two canopy trees and ten evergreen or deciduous shrubs, or ornamental grasses.
· Where can one find the perimeter parking lot landscaping requirements? You may need to reference this information later.
Table 12.0.5.D.2.
· What other landscaping requirements are contained in the code of ordinances?
(b) All trees shall be planted within ten feet of the parking lot edge.
(c) All shrubs shall be planted within five feet of the parking lot edge.
· Describe the requirements for trash receptacle enclosures. (Section 159.187)
Trash Receptacle Enclosures. All trash receptacles should be completely screened by a wall on three sides matching the materials, color and architecture of the primary structure located on the parcel. The fourth side should consist of a metal gate or other similar materials completely hiding the trash receptacle. The enclosure must measure a minimum of six feet in height or two feet above the height of the trash receptacle, whichever is greater. Trash receptacle enclosures should not be located in front of any building, adjacent to a collector, arterial, or expressway, or adjacent to any residential use.
2. Create a site bubble diagram to represent preliminary locations for the parking lot, ingress and egress, trash receptacle enclosure, loading area, and required landscaping.
3. Study your site plan. Select a preliminary location and orientation for the parking lot. Based on your code research, sketch a preliminary design for the parking lot and pedestrian walkways to scale on the site plan. Include ingress and egress, the required number of spaces (including accessible spaces), aisles, lighting, and landscaping. Taking into consideration the existing topography, use arrows to indicate the anticipated drainage paths. Do not incorporate the parking lot in your 3D model at this time.