Monday, April 15, 2013

library parking lot regulations

.    Research Chapter 159: Unified Land Development Ordinance  (UDO) found in Title XV: Land Usage in the City of Noblesville, Indiana Code of Ordinances for regulations related to parking. You can access the Code of Ordinances (COO) at (choose the library tab, select Indiana, and click on the link to Noblesville). Based on your research, answer the following questions. Document the section of the code in which you found each answer.

·         How many parking spaces are required for the Keystone Library? Show your calculation. (COO Table 9, Section 159.142 or UDO Table 10.0.3.B)
1 per 300 sq feet.
·         What distance must parking lots be set back from the property line? ((UDO Section 4.B.1)
Not in section 159.142 (UDO Section 4.B.1)
·         Assuming a 90 degree parking angle, what size parking spaces should be used? (COO Table 10, Section 159.143 or UDO Table 10.0.4.A)
9x18 feet
·         What aisle width should be used? (COO Table 10, Section 159.143 or UDO Table 10.0.4.A)
·         Describe the requirements on driveway (ingress and egress) location from adjacent property lines and intersections. (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.C.2)
Non-residential driveway entrances or exits should be at least 25 feet from an adjoining residential property line; ten feet from an adjoining non-residential property line; or 45 feet from an intersection.
·         What is the maximum driveway width that can be used for a non-residential development? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.C.2)

·         What is the drainage runoff requirement for parking and driveway areas? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.D.2)
Such parking areas should be graded and properly drained in such a manner that there will be no free flow of water onto either adjacent property or public sidewalks.  Any runoff generated by such improved areas shall be disposed of in appropriate drainage facilities.
·         Is parking lot lighting required? What is the requirement? (COO Section 159.143 or UDO Section 4.D.4) Yes,a minimum of one foot-candle of illumination should be provided throughout the parking lot.  Illumination of off-street parking areas should be arranged and/or shielded so as not to reflect direct rays of light onto adjacent properties or streets

·         How many accessible parking spaces are required? (COO Table 11, Section 159.144 or UDO Table 10.0.5) facilities must equal no less than 10% of the total required parking spaces there for the minimum parking spaces required is 5.

·         Is a loading area required for the library? (COO Section 159.147 or UDO Section 8.A)
·         How many loading berths are required for the site? (COO Table 13, Section 159.147 or UDO Section 8.B)
no, one for every  12,000-120,000 sq feet
·         In terms of parking lot landscaping requirements, what class of parking lot is required for the library? (Section 159.184)
Class B.
·         Describe the overall interior parking lot landscape requirements.
the percentage of interior parking spaces is determined on how many parking spaces need this reduces the size of the parking lot.
·         What are the requirements for single row parking landscape islands and peninsulas?
 All single row parking landscape islands and peninsulas should be a minimum of 180 square feet in area with a minimum width of nine feet measured from back of curb to back of curb. Each island and peninsula should contain a minimum of one canopy tree and five evergreen or deciduous shrubs, or ornamental grasses.
·         What are the requirements for double row parking landscape islands and peninsulas?
All double row parking landscape islands should be a minimum of 240 square feet in area with a minimum width of nine feet measured from back of curb to back of curb. Each island and peninsula should contain a minimum of two canopy trees and ten evergreen or deciduous shrubs, or ornamental grasses.
·         Where can one find the perimeter parking lot landscaping requirements? You may need to reference this information later.
 Table 12.0.5.D.2.
·         What other landscaping requirements are contained in the code of ordinances?

(b)     All trees shall be planted within ten feet of the parking lot edge.
(c)     All shrubs shall be planted within five feet of the parking lot edge.
·         Describe the requirements for trash receptacle enclosures. (Section 159.187)
Trash Receptacle Enclosures.  All trash receptacles should be completely screened by a wall on three sides matching the materials, color and architecture of the primary structure located on the parcel. The fourth side should consist of a metal gate or other similar materials completely hiding the trash receptacle. The enclosure must measure a minimum of six feet in height or two feet above the height of the trash receptacle, whichever is greater. Trash receptacle enclosures should not be located in front of any building, adjacent to a collector, arterial, or expressway, or adjacent to any residential use.
2.    Create a site bubble diagram to represent preliminary locations for the parking lot, ingress and egress, trash receptacle enclosure, loading area, and required landscaping.

3.    Study your site plan. Select a preliminary location and orientation for the parking lot. Based on your code research, sketch a preliminary design for the parking lot and pedestrian walkways to scale on the site plan. Include ingress and egress, the required number of spaces (including accessible spaces), aisles, lighting, and landscaping. Taking into consideration the existing topography, use arrows to indicate the anticipated drainage paths. Do not incorporate the parking lot in your 3D model at this time.

Friday, January 18, 2013


1. Identify the Building Code that applies in Noblesville by reviewing Section 154.04 Adoption of Rules by Reference in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances.

Indiana Building Code

2. Visit the Indiana Association of Building Officials website at and follow the link to Current Codes. On which model code is the current Indiana Building Code based?

2006 International Building Code

3. Using the International Building Code, find the Use and Occupancy classification of the proposed new Keystone Building.

A-3 Assembly uses intended for worship, recreation or amusement and other assembly uses not classified elsewhere in Group A

4. Using the International Building Code, describe each of the four types of construction. Based on the existing structure, under which of these types of construction could the Keystone Building fall? See section 503.1.

Types I and II. Types I and II construction are those types of construction in which the building elements listed in Table 601 are of noncombustible materials, except as permitted in Section 603 and elsewhere in this code.

Type III. Type III construction is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material permitted by this code. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.

Type IV. Type IV construction (Heavy Timber, HT) is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces. The details of Type IV construction shall comply with the provisions of this section. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies with a 2-hour rating or less. Minimum solid sawn nominal dimensions are required for structures built using Type IV construction (HT). For glued-laminated members the equivalent net finished width and depths corresponding to the minimum nominal width and depths of solid sawn lumber are required as specified in Table 602.4.

Type V. Type V construction is that type of construction in which the structural elements, exterior walls and interior walls are of any materials permitted by this code.

The keystone building will most likely fall in type IV

5. Compare the allowable Building Heights and Areas (IBC 2009 Table 503) for the Keystone Library using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction type that can be used for the Keystone Library? Is a fire-protective layer required over the structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (sheetrock, spray on, or another approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected by an additional fire-rated coating or cover.

The least restrictive contruction type that can be used in type V-A because it can be built out of anything. No fire protective layer is required.

6. What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for the Keystone Building? Justify your answer.

A variety of materials would be acceptable due to the fact that the outside is made of brick, and also the fact that it has steel supports. I personally would choose wood and drywall because it is inexpensive and easy.

7. Use the IBC to determine the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1004) for the Keystone Building assuming a second floor is added per the Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building plans (see Revit file). For now, conservatively assume that the second floor is entirely stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms. In addition, because there is currently no plan to include an outside stairway to the roof, assume that the occupants of the green roof must exit through the 2nd floor. The building inspector has determined, based on the planned use of the green roof as additional reading area, that the occupant load for the green roof may be based on the requirements for reading rooms.

Reading Room-178

8. The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC 2009 Section 1005) for the Keystone Building including the second floor.

47 inches is the minimum width of egress for the building.

9. What is the minimum number of exits required for the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1021)?

4 exits is the minumum number required in accordance to the occupant load.

10. Read IBC 2009 Section 1021.2. Is it permissible to have only a single exit from the ground floor? From the second floor? Justify your answers.

Only one exit shall be required from Group R-3 occupancy buildings or from stories of other buildings as indicated in Table 1021.2. Occupancies shall be permitted to have a single exit in buildings otherwise required to have more than one exit if the areas served by the single exit do not exceed the limitations of Table 1021.2. Mixed occupancies shall be permitted to be served by single exits provided each individual occupancy complies with the applicable requirements of Table 1021.2 for that occupancy. Where applicable, cumulative occupant loads from adjacent occupancies shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 1004.1. Basements with a single exit shall not be located more than one story below grade plane.

The answers to the following questions should be researched in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances and the Noblesville Zoning Map.

11. In which zoning designation does the Keystone building property lie? (Refer to the Keystone Library Site Location Map to help locate the site on the zoning map.)

Planned Business

12. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a section number from the code.

The purpose of the PB District is to encourage well-planned business uses, particularly with respect to unified design, safe ingress-egress, adequate and properly located parking and service facilities and convenient and safe pedestrian accessibility. Shopping centers are good examples of types of uses in the PB District. The PB District is also designed to service the motoring public through such uses as motels, restaurants, or service stations. The PB District shall only be permitted along or at the intersection of major arterials as specified by the Thoroughfare Plan element of the Comprehensive Plan.

Found in 159.107

13. What is the minimum lot size within this designation? Does the Keystone Property meet this requirement? Document your answer with a section number of the code.

20,000 sq. ft. found on chart in 159.107
The keystone Property does meet the lot size requirement.

14. What is the maximum building height according to the Noblesville ordinance?

3 stories or 35 ft.

15. Read Section 159.120 of the Noblesville Code of Ordinances. Record any information that is important to the redevelopment of the Keystone building.

A.) Allowable Use of Land and Building.
(B) Property Access. Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a street, and provide for safe and convenient access, fire protection, and required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in § 159.107(C).
(C) Number of Buildings Per Lot. Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a lot unless otherwise specified for planned developments. In no case shall there be more than one principal building used for residential purposes, and its accessory buildings, located on one lot, except as otherwise provided in this chapter for a mobile home park or planned development. If two or more principal non-residential buildings are located on a lot, the space between such buildings shall be as established by the yard setback requirements of the district in which the use is located.

16. Is the Use proposed in Keystone Building Project permitted on this property? Document your answer.

The use proposed in the Keystone Building Project is permitted on this property. 159.120 section A defines the uses.

17. When developing a property, when is landscaping and screening required?

Landscaping and Screening. Landscaping and/or screening may be required in the following situations:
(1) Interior parking lot islands;
(2) Perimeter parking lot buffering;
(3) Buffering for non-residential uses abutting residential uses;
(4) Surrounding outdoor storage and waste disposal areas;

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

essential ?

1.     How do you achieve a balance between cost-saving measures, important features, and environmental responsibility when designing a residential structure?
Best accomplished when a small living space is build with all the living essentals.
2.     What are the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D architectural software rather than creating hand-produced plans?
The Advantages of having a 3d model is that you can see exactly how big how small and get a feel to what its going to be before its built. 
3.     Why are organizations such as LEED important?
for building to be more self sustaining to make home for environmently freindly.
4.     When planning a project, how does the availability of public utilities impact the design?
you may be able too study and be more familure with ur design such as finding how they with get to and around the work site.
5.     What options are available for the management of wastewater from a building?
Citys have waste water pipe lines and for private home they have septic takes.
6.     What are the important considerations when design a plumbing system?
 consider how the plumbing will get around the building.  You also want to avoid running hot water through the outside walls of a buidling for long distances the temperature on the outside may cool the hot water.
7.     Why should a designer know about the different types of lighting and their applications?
The designer should know the different types of lighter so that  they may incorporate this in there  designs. The designer needs to plan for how the electricity will get about the house. 
8.     What are the important considerations when designing an electrical system?
its important to consider how big the room is, how many lights will be needed etc. its also important to consider which switches are just one-way or more.
9.     What information is important when documenting the design of a building?
Design elements accessability and design features. include its sustainability perks. include electrical plans and plumming and wall design. 3D veiws of outside and inside are always important.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

earth freindly


Green building design and sustainable architecture are reshaping the practices and products of modern construction. Climate change concerns and a sense of stewardship for the Earth are motivating the use of green building products and sustainable techniques. Energy use in buildings is increasing and could continue to rise. By using new sustainable methods, materials, and mechanical components, architects and engineers are able to create structures that can curb that trend. A sustainable building design reduces pressure on the environment by decreasing energy consumption during the life cycle of a building.

In addition to incorporating sustainable features, designers should also address occupant needs and comfort when planning a building. Desirable work space and living environments allow users to be more productive and comfortable. Careful consideration must be given to natural light and interior temperatures as well as materials that emit low levels of toxins.

In this activity you will learn about green and sustainable practices in preparation for the design of your Affordable House. During the design process, continually consider incorporating sustainable features into your home design.

·         Engineering notebook
·         Computer with Internet access

You will learn more about green and sustainable practices and then respond to the questions. For each statement below, describe a reasonable action. Use the US Green Building Council ( and the US Environmental Protection Agency ( sites to begin your search, but seek out reliable information on each topic from at least one other website source.  . Be sure to cite each additional reference.

Copy and paste the following in your blog. Then answer the questions in a different color.
1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.
Website: http//___

Create a Resevoir and use the water that the Resevoir collects for irrigation and feeding farm animals.

An innovation that you could add would be the use of solar panels. This benifits the enviroment by saving money on electricity bills.

2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.
Website: http//_____________________________________________________

An innovation that you could add would be the use of solar panels. This benifits the enviroment by saving money on electricity bills.

3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase. 
Website: http//_____________________________________________________

By taking the extra materials and recycling, you are saving the enviroment becuase your not being wastefull, plus you are saving yourself money by not having to buy more materials if you can just reuse some.
Website: http//

4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?
Website: http//_____________________________________________________
You could use a differnt form of lights (maybe LFC) that would reduce your electrical consumption.

5.   Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.        
Website: http//_____________________________________________________
If the building was built in a place where slate was abundant than roofing the building with slate would be an efficient choice.  A back draw of this idea is that not too many buildings will be build around a slate quarry.


1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.

2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement